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Rules for living together during the divorce 

On Behalf of | Aug 30, 2022 | Divorce |

When the romance is gone and divorce is inevitable, one of the most important decisions you will need to make is where you will live while the divorce is underway. Of course, you might be tempted to move out of the marital home. However, this is a decision you need to make after serious soul-searching because it does have consequences

If you choose to live under the same roof with your soon-to-be ex during the divorce, it is important that you set some ground rules. Here are some of these rules:

Do not disregard court orders

Once the divorce documents are formally filed, the court will, most often, issue an Automatic Temporary Restraining Order (ATRO) on certain activities. It is important that you do not violate this order. Some of the things the order may prohibit include:

  • The sale or transfer of marital property without the other party’s consent
  • Changing their retirement accounts
  • Incurring unreasonable debts
  • Changing the beneficiary of the life insurance plans

Violating any of these terms could amount to contempt of court, and there are consequences for this. 

Respect each other’s space

While you will be living together, this does not mean that you will have to interact with your soon-to-be ex as you used to before. Obviously, you want to have separate bedrooms. Do, not get intimate with your spouse as doing so could complicate your divorce should you conceive. Additionally, come up with your own morning and evening schedules. You do not have to eat together. 

Establish your budget

You will have bills to pay. As such, it is important that you plan how you will split common bills. If you cannot plan your finances on your own, be sure to engage a financial expert for advice on matters like mortgage payments and how you should handle the family home after the divorce. 

Living together with someone you no longer love can be awkward, to say the least. Find out how you can safeguard your rights and interests before, during and after the divorce.